Stevens is 22 years old and is a student in our Philo program at our ESPWA school. Philo is a university prep class and is a requirement in Haiti in order to apply to a university. He is one of seven children, all of whom his mother, Marie Jinette, is miraculously raising alone as their father passed away when he was younger and she has no means of generating any income.
Clearly, providing an education for her kids is not possible because Marie Jinette is unable to pay for tuition or school supplies. It is for this reason that Overture, after an extensive evaluation, has accepted this family into our scholarship program. Without these full scholarships to our ESPWA school, none of the children would have the opportunity to attend school. Marie Jinette sees these scholarships for her children as the only true hope for her family to survive.
“With these scholarships, I am not scared anymore that Stevens and my other kids will drop school because I can’t pay the tuition. The scholarships also allow me to use any extra income I am able to generate harvesting peanuts a few times a year on food for my family. I am really thankful for Overture and the great work they are doing in the community, because education is the only thing that can help youth have a better future.”